


Estimated earnings per week

YouTube Analytics History for spicee

Statistics summary for YouTube channel spicee

Date Views Estimated earnings Subscribers Uploads
2024-11-27 Wed +2.69K 5.66M $1 18.6K +1 152
2024-11-28 Thu +4.39K 5.67M $1 18.6K 152
2024-11-29 Fri +3.99K 5.67M $1 18.6K 152
2024-11-30 Sat +3.51K 5.68M $1 +100 18.7K 152
2024-12-01 Sun +3.14K 5.68M $1 18.7K 152
2024-12-02 Mon +3.2K 5.68M $1 18.7K 152
2024-12-03 Tue +2.75K 5.68M $1 18.7K 152
2024-12-04 Wed +3.08K 5.69M $1 18.7K 152
2024-12-05 Thu +2.72K 5.69M $1 18.7K 152
2024-12-06 Fri +2.29K 5.69M $1 18.7K 152
2024-12-07 Sat +2.52K 5.7M $1 18.7K 152
2024-12-08 Sun +3.06K 5.7M $1 18.7K 152
2024-12-09 Mon +3.37K 5.7M $1 18.7K 152
2024-12-10 Tue +3.38K 5.7M $1 18.7K 152
2024-12-11 Wed +4.29K 5.71M $1 18.7K 152
2024-12-12 Thu +3.61K 5.71M $1 18.7K 152
2024-12-13 Fri +2.92K 5.72M $1 18.7K 152
2024-12-14 Sat +2.85K 5.72M $1 18.7K 152
2024-12-15 Sun +3.64K 5.72M $1 +100 18.8K 152
2024-12-16 Mon +2.69K 5.72M $1 18.8K 152
2024-12-17 Tue +3.03K 5.73M $1 18.8K 152
2024-12-18 Wed +2.59K 5.73M $1 18.8K 152
2024-12-19 Thu +2.52K 5.73M $1 18.8K 152
2024-12-20 Fri +2.4K 5.74M $1 18.8K 152
2024-12-21 Sat +2.5K 5.74M $1 18.8K 152
2024-12-22 Sun +2.5K 5.74M $1 18.8K 152
2024-12-23 Mon +3.22K 5.74M $1 18.8K 152
2024-12-24 Tue +3.04K 5.75M $1 18.8K 152
2024-12-25 Wed LIVE +3.09K 5.75M $1 18.8K 152
Gained views Estimated earnings Gained subscribers
Daily Averages +2.97K $1 +6
Last 29 days +88.98K $39 +200
Last updated at 2024-12-25

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