
CoComelon - Nina's ABCs

CoComelon - Nina's ABCs

Estimated earnings per week

YouTube Analytics History for CoComelon - Nina's ABCs

Statistics summary for YouTube channel CoComelon - Nina's ABCs

Date Views Estimated earnings Subscribers Uploads
2024-11-24 Sun +162.98K 143.18M $73 540K 266
2024-11-25 Mon +124.25K 143.3M $55 540K 266
2024-11-26 Tue +103.06K 143.41M $46 +1K 541K +1 267
2024-11-27 Wed +122.89K 143.53M $55 541K 267
2024-11-28 Thu +119.34K 143.65M $53 541K 267
2024-11-29 Fri +133.7K 143.78M $60 541K 267
2024-11-30 Sat +127.22K 143.91M $57 541K 267
2024-12-01 Sun +112.88K 144.02M $50 +1K 542K +1 268
2024-12-02 Mon +100.73K 144.12M $45 542K 268
2024-12-03 Tue +80.23K 144.2M $36 542K 268
2024-12-04 Wed +89.36K 144.29M $40 542K +1 269
2024-12-05 Thu +83.74K 144.38M $37 542K 269
2024-12-06 Fri +70.57K 144.45M $31 542K 269
2024-12-07 Sat +85.09K 144.53M $38 +1K 543K 269
2024-12-08 Sun +98.09K 144.63M $44 543K +1 270
2024-12-09 Mon +112.82K 144.74M $50 543K 270
2024-12-10 Tue +81.51K 144.82M $36 543K 270
2024-12-11 Wed +75.02K 144.9M $33 543K +1 271
2024-12-12 Thu +86.59K 144.99M $38 +1K 544K 271
2024-12-13 Fri +90.38K 145.08M $40 544K 271
2024-12-14 Sat +92.01K 145.17M $41 544K +1 272
2024-12-15 Sun +95.74K 145.26M $43 544K 272
2024-12-16 Mon +81K 145.35M $36 +1K 545K 272
2024-12-17 Tue +85.87K 145.43M $38 545K +1 273
2024-12-18 Wed +85.83K 145.52M $38 545K +1 274
2024-12-19 Thu +91.73K 145.61M $41 545K 274
2024-12-20 Fri +99.85K 145.71M $44 545K 274
2024-12-21 Sat +102.13K 145.81M $45 +1K 546K +1 275
2024-12-22 Sun +98.21K 145.91M $44 546K 275
2024-12-23 Mon LIVE +96.55K 146.01M $43 546K 275
Gained views Estimated earnings Gained subscribers
Daily Averages +96.43K $43 +193
Last 30 days +2.99M $1.34K +6K
Last updated at 2024-12-23

Latest videos of CoComelon - Nina's ABCs

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About CoComelon - Nina's ABCs

¡VAMOS! Learn your ABCs with Nina Reyes - JJ’s lovable, sporty classmate and friend - with in the familiar, beloved community of CoComelon! SUBSCRIBE NOW for NEW uploads every SUNDAY & WEDNESDAY! Website ► Facebook ► Instagram ► TikTok ►