


Estimated earnings per week

YouTube Analytics History for Sambucha

Statistics summary for YouTube channel Sambucha

Date Views Estimated earnings Subscribers Uploads
2024-11-24 Sun +16.44M 12.88B $7.39K +10K 8.48M +2 2.74K
2024-11-25 Mon +17.22M 12.9B $7.74K +10K 8.49M +2 2.74K
2024-11-26 Tue +17.94M 12.92B $8.06K +10K 8.5M +3 2.74K
2024-11-27 Wed +18.35M 12.94B $8.25K +20K 8.52M +2 2.74K
2024-11-28 Thu +20.31M 12.96B $9.13K +10K 8.53M +2 2.74K
2024-11-29 Fri +20.83M 12.98B $9.36K +10K 8.54M +3 2.75K
2024-11-30 Sat +19.21M 13B $8.63K +10K 8.55M +2 2.75K
2024-12-01 Sun +19.37M 13.02B $8.71K +10K 8.56M +2 2.75K
2024-12-02 Mon +18.55M 13.04B $8.34K +10K 8.57M +2 2.75K
2024-12-03 Tue +13.61M 13.05B $6.12K +10K 8.58M +3 2.76K
2024-12-04 Wed +16.23M 13.07B $7.3K +10K 8.59M +2 2.76K
2024-12-05 Thu +16.63M 13.08B $7.47K 8.59M 2.76K
2024-12-06 Fri +12.65M 13.09B $5.69K +10K 8.6M +3 2.76K
2024-12-07 Sat +13.36M 13.11B $6K +10K 8.61M +2 2.76K
2024-12-08 Sun +17.19M 13.12B $7.73K +10K 8.62M +2 2.77K
2024-12-09 Mon +15.83M 13.14B $7.12K 8.62M +2 2.77K
2024-12-10 Tue +12.63M 13.15B $5.68K +10K 8.63M +3 2.77K
2024-12-11 Wed +15.2M 13.17B $6.83K 8.63M +2 2.77K
2024-12-12 Thu +13.58M 13.18B $6.1K +10K 8.64M +2 2.77K
2024-12-13 Fri +12.03M 13.19B $5.41K +10K 8.65M +3 2.78K
2024-12-14 Sat +13.62M 13.21B $6.12K 8.65M +2 2.78K
2024-12-15 Sun +20.37M 13.23B $9.15K +10K 8.66M +2 2.78K
2024-12-16 Mon +13.45M 13.24B $6.05K +10K 8.67M +2 2.78K
2024-12-17 Tue +13.35M 13.26B $6K 8.67M +3 2.79K
2024-12-18 Wed +13.22M 13.27B $5.94K +10K 8.68M +2 2.79K
2024-12-19 Thu +15.32M 13.28B $6.89K +10K 8.69M +2 2.79K
2024-12-20 Fri +14.12M 13.3B $6.35K 8.69M +3 2.79K
2024-12-21 Sat +14.25M 13.31B $6.41K +10K 8.7M +2 2.8K
2024-12-22 Sun +14M 13.33B $6.29K +10K 8.71M +2 2.8K
2024-12-23 Mon LIVE +14.23M 13.34B $6.4K 8.71M +2 2.8K
Gained views Estimated earnings Gained subscribers
Daily Averages +15.26M $6.86K +7.74K
Last 30 days +473.1M $212.63K +240K
Last updated at 2024-12-23

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About Sambucha

I enjoy making content :) Business Inquiries: