
Doctor Youn

Doctor Youn

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YouTube Analytics History for Doctor Youn

Statistics summary for YouTube channel Doctor Youn

Date Views Estimated earnings Subscribers Uploads
2024-11-24 Sun +725.68K 3.64B $326 5.3M +2 1.83K
2024-11-25 Mon +716.19K 3.64B $321 5.3M +2 1.83K
2024-11-26 Tue +690.43K 3.64B $310 5.3M 1.83K
2024-11-27 Wed +707.64K 3.64B $318 5.3M +1 1.83K
2024-11-28 Thu +754.56K 3.64B $339 5.3M 1.83K
2024-11-29 Fri +661.31K 3.64B $297 5.3M +1 1.83K
2024-11-30 Sat +613.18K 3.64B $275 5.3M +2 1.84K
2024-12-01 Sun +655.28K 3.64B $294 5.3M +2 1.84K
2024-12-02 Mon +636.85K 3.64B $286 5.3M 1.84K
2024-12-03 Tue +512.56K 3.64B $230 5.3M +1 1.84K
2024-12-04 Wed +597.16K 3.64B $268 5.3M +1 1.84K
2024-12-05 Thu +706.17K 3.64B $317 +10K 5.31M 1.84K
2024-12-06 Fri +777.11K 3.64B $349 5.31M +1 1.84K
2024-12-07 Sat +687.29K 3.64B $308 5.31M +2 1.84K
2024-12-08 Sun +640.21K 3.65B $287 5.31M +2 1.85K
2024-12-09 Mon +704.04K 3.65B $316 5.31M +1 1.85K
2024-12-10 Tue +653.9K 3.65B $293 5.31M +2 1.85K
2024-12-11 Wed +763.76K 3.65B $343 5.31M +2 1.85K
2024-12-12 Thu +721.77K 3.65B $324 5.31M +1 1.85K
2024-12-13 Fri +624.41K 3.65B $280 5.31M +1 1.85K
2024-12-14 Sat +645.59K 3.65B $290 5.31M +1 1.85K
2024-12-15 Sun +1.24M 3.65B $556 +10K 5.32M +2 1.86K
2024-12-16 Mon +1.52M 3.65B $683 5.32M +1 1.86K
2024-12-17 Tue +1.22M 3.65B $548 5.32M +1 1.86K
2024-12-18 Wed +812.15K 3.65B $365 5.32M +1 1.86K
2024-12-19 Thu +1M 3.66B $451 5.32M +1 1.86K
2024-12-20 Fri +931.23K 3.66B $418 5.32M +1 1.86K
2024-12-21 Sat +1.03M 3.66B $464 5.32M +1 1.86K
2024-12-22 Sun +927.69K 3.66B $416 5.32M +2 1.86K
2024-12-23 Mon LIVE +948.21K 3.66B $426 5.32M +1 1.86K
Gained views Estimated earnings Gained subscribers
Daily Averages +768.8K $345 +645
Last 30 days +23.83M $10.71K +20K
Last updated at 2024-12-23

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About Doctor Youn

Known as America's Holistic Plastic Surgeon®, Anthony Youn, M.D. F.A.C.S is a nationally-recognized, board-certified plastic surgeon. His goal is to help health conscious men and women look and feel their best by teaching them a holistic approach to beauty. Recognized as a leader in his field, he is the author of the best-selling books “The Age Fix: A Leading Plastic Surgeon Reveals How To Really Look Ten Years Younger,” "In Stitches: A Memoir,” “Playing God: The Evolution of a Modern Surgeon,” and "Younger For Life." Dr. Youn also hosts the popular podcast The Doctor Youn Show. To listen to the latest episodes, go to